Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Funnies 2

Okey, so after the laughter-slash-deathscare yesterday, i did some digging in my computer files and discovered some lol'worthy failblog things..

This bus-stop is located near the Pirita river, just a little before you can turn left and head towards the cemetary/Muuga..:D

Oh, and this is just something else...
There is this whole thing about Twitter, somebody tweeted this and that, and blablablaaa..i mean, i don't use it myself (don't have an account), but i look up 2musicians from time to time, and thats it..Now, apparently there is a certain number of characters for the message (if i understand correctly) and some people just don't know spelling..And the lovely woman, who wrote the post below makes a point about the Twitter thing by..well, Tweeting of course:D...(or um, is it twittering?!oh who gives a fuck anyway)



*wipes away tears of laughter*

And be sure to check this out as well:)

everything is:

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