Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Funnies 2

Okey, so after the laughter-slash-deathscare yesterday, i did some digging in my computer files and discovered some lol'worthy failblog things..

This bus-stop is located near the Pirita river, just a little before you can turn left and head towards the cemetary/Muuga..:D

Oh, and this is just something else...
There is this whole thing about Twitter, somebody tweeted this and that, and blablablaaa..i mean, i don't use it myself (don't have an account), but i look up 2musicians from time to time, and thats it..Now, apparently there is a certain number of characters for the message (if i understand correctly) and some people just don't know spelling..And the lovely woman, who wrote the post below makes a point about the Twitter thing by..well, Tweeting of course:D...(or um, is it twittering?!oh who gives a fuck anyway)



*wipes away tears of laughter*

And be sure to check this out as well:)

everything is:

Monday, April 27, 2009


I can't breathe..im laughing my ass off watching these heinous pictures of really really bad costumes..
laughing+coughing=not enough oxygen in my lungs...
oh dear god, must take deep breaths..uuuh
But those pictures are really..i mean..you just gotta look yourself:
best ones start from page 2


mirror mirror on the wall who has the fugliest? piece of clothing from them all...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 2 of conference

So, the thing is finally over..
Yesterday started veryveryvery early for me - i woke up a little before 7am..yeah, those who know me are going "WTF?!How on earth did you get up so early?"..well, it definately was not easy..took me about an hour to look less zombie-like, but i still felt like shit..the invisible ball was stuck down my throat..
Coughing my lungs out - check
Piercing headaches while coughing - check
Runny nose - check
With all three of the above, listening to the presentations and trying to think along was nearly impossible but somehow i managed.
So what new things did i found out on the second day?
Americans like stuff..a lot of stuff..Keeping up with the Jones's stuff..
Romero's zombie films have a point in them
Americans like big things (houses,cars,food etc)..supersize,people, it's all about supersize
American dream is not what it used to be..you know, crisis affects that shit and all..nightmarish rather..
Cary Grant thought his best side was his left one..or no, wait..er..right side
bad bank is the same as unmarried bachelor in some linguistic term (oxymoron, i think..)
Young kids are permanently attached to youtube..
Some small cities in the US are relocating their residents to different parts of the town to save some money..
Huh, guess i better start soon on the response paper before i forget things..

The weirdest part of yesterday was when out of the blue my left leg started to hurt..i mean like 'i-pulled-my-muscle-pain'..very weird..And it still hurts.
When the conference ended, i came back to the dorm, entered my room like a tornado, throwing everything either on the floor or the table and just collapsed on the bed..and slept until the morning..it felt soooooo good..And im slightly more human today..
Since today is Sunday, everyone seems to think about making pancakes.I woke up and the kitchen smelled like them,mm..I tried, but mine came out more waffle-like (next time - more flour)..haa haa, what a moron:D
I have a small amount of cognac left, so i guess its time for a final cup of tea with it..oh well:)

Friday, April 24, 2009

I find everything and nothing offensive

everything and nothing

Day 1 of conference

Today was the first day of the conference (check below) and it was soooooo mind-numbingly long..My brain wasn't functioning at all and i was huffing and puffing like a fish on dry land.Probably looked like a retard with my mouth open all the time:D But it is really hard to concentrate when all you want to do is blow your brains out of your nose or cough your lungs out..
The first plenary presentation (John F. Kennedy and the American Dream) was really interesting, learned some new facts about JFK.
It's just so weird how people actually see the things they really want to see.Only the positive aspects, but come on now - no one is perfect.

Anywhoo, hours passed in a hazeanddaze and finally the thing was over..
I was starving and my throat was killing me..And thank you, thank you, thank you my sweet roomie for the cognac..Tea with cognac is just heaven right now..Yeah, if i would have had a flask, that shit would be empty by now:)

Oh well, my eyes are shooting lasers at this moment.
Day 2 is sneaking up..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I guess it makes perfect sense for me to catch a cold (again,btw) just a few days before the damn conference.Because there ain't nothing more fun to do with a runny nose and a throat that feels like someone stuck a ball down it, then to listen people talk about American dreams etc from 9am to 19pm for two days.Awesome indeed.
And goddamn, i just wasted 60eq on Theraflu, that i can't actually drink. Vastunäidustused, my ass..

Stupid Spring weathers - one minute it's hot, the other it's cold.I feel like im stuck in some stupid Katy Perry song..

Speaking of songs..
I was watching tv the other day and suddenly i heard Klaxons-Golden Skans as background music to a shampoo commercial..um, random much?!

Chimpanzees are really running things on Earth

Friday, April 17, 2009

The 9th International Tartu Conference on North-American Studies, AMERICAN DREAMS

This will be a really boring post, 'cause there ain't nothing to tell for now..
Only that i have 6 more weeks of lectures to go..
And that im going to some kind of a conference next week. Hey, i get 2AP's from it. For free..gotta take what is given. Though, i do have to write a 3-4 page essay on it to actually see the 2AP appear in ÕIS.
I just really hope it will be interesting, because i will need lots and lots of coffee otherwise..or a flask..or both:D..yeah, that would be ideal...hee hee *jk, jk*

The program seems pretty good. Definite ones are the plenary presentations, but the workshops..erm, i dunno,still deciding. And while reading the thing right now, i discovered sth..holy hell..*runs off to share w/ others*

Well, that sure was a nice surprise..sort of

And how am i supposed to be at two places at once, if there are two workshops at the same time?And i wanna hear them both..Im not good with decisions.
Well, scheisse.
Still got some time.

Monday, April 13, 2009

"It's hard to take risks with a pessimist"

Okay, i am still listening to Menomena..i fell in love with that band the minute i heard their songs..
And the albums are pure heaven..
Menomena's music is just absolutely fan-fucking-tabulous, the sound never goes where you expect it to go, it flows on its own - the melodies, the rhythms, the bass, the sax, the piano riffs (keyboard+moog, i think), the vocals..

I Am The Fun Blame Monster

The album just drags you in..the whole thing goes by so fast you don't even notice it..And you play it again and again and still hear new litte nuances that weren't there during the first or the second time..
The drumming - oh man, the drumming..it's like dance, it's like hip-hop, its crazy! That dude is a Machine!!no loops
'Strongest Man in the World' is a must from this album, as is Twenty Cell Revolt.Oh, and Trigga Hiccups too..

Oh, and btw, I Am Fun Blame Monster=Menomena's First Album..yup, intentional..i like these guys:D
Press play and sit by the window:)

Under An Hour

It has 3 songs..well, hmm, i guess they're not actually the typical songs one expects to hear on an album..Rather three tracks of instrumental music, each of which is almost 20 minutes long.. Water, Flour and Light..i must say that Flour is my favourite, the sax and piano riffs blend in perfectly..

Friend and Foe

Did i already mention how much i love their artwork..Because it is so good..
The whole thing is superb.From the beginning to the end.All unique, interesting and beautiful.In one word: Amazing

although i already posted some,i'll put them here again..

Wading through this mess together
Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder
Some may stumble, some may fall behind

oh yeah, definately a moog it is:D

the bass...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Eggs & Bunnies

Happy easter all you little fuckers out there:)


Right at this moment, the tiny little clock thingy on my right shows the numbers 5:41



I think i o.d'd from caffeine and those stoooopid white breadsticks today (though,um,yeah..caffeine)


The fog is decending, which is pretty cool..and the streetlights give this weird glow to it..looks like cotton..

Listen to them at full volume..If you don't, well..you suck!

They have the most amazing artwork..and this video is just..wow

Fuuuck, they are so good!...

im falling to bed now

later, gators

P.S!freakz will get this tomorrow as well;)

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Täna oli lihtsalt üle pika aja niiiiiiii hea päev...
I had that stupid grin on me the whole time..well, the day was actually khm, not that long, figuring what the time was when i woke up..but still:D


the sun
the smell of change
i love it

and i love my friends!

This is for you, my peeps;)
especially for Anett:D

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Daily crap..
um, yeah lets give a mighty fine LOL here...
my plans always turn to mush, there is like a cosmic law for that..

daily things have not appeared here because my computer refused to work, windows just died on me..pfftt..

two weeks or so ago, i went to tallinn, but 'thefuck - my computer would not close..so i was freakin' out, i didn't want to miss my bus..luckily my roomie managed to get it closed..BUT..when i came back..dundundunn..the stupid thing would not start..hahahahahaa..

like seriously though: WHAT. THE. FUCK

and of course the things i needed to get the stupid box working again were in tallinn..where i just came from..so my sis posted the windows cd for me and some instructions on how to repair windows without losing the documents and stuff from it..
lets just say i managed to get pretty far, before it got just waaaay too complicated..so i gave up on repairing and installed windows again..
and here is the funny thing: i repaired windows enough to save the documents and pictures i needed on a memory stick and then installed it again..
but..heh..when i started to look through the files, what do i see?!..the pictures and documents are all still there..yupyup..still there..that is just weird..

so i was basically computerless for a week or so..or no, wait..not really..for a few days actually..wow, seems longer, hehee..luckily, my roomie got her old laptop back that same week and allowed me to use it (and thank god you didn't go home for the weekend:)..oh, i used nele's laptop for a little time as well (like in december, when my own laptop crashed)..
sheeeeesh, what is it with me and computers?!?! :D

So, all in all - everything works again..ptüiptüiptüi

oh and this pic is too funny to keep to myself: