Thursday, May 22, 2008

DJ Midnight Banana

Sobrasin sügavates ja otsatutes interneti aaretekambrites ning üks kollane Tweety linnuke siristas kõrva:
John Frusciante'l tuleb vist(?) suvel uus plaat välja...halleeeluuuuja, its about time! Loodan siis ka Euroopa väisamist..äkki õnnestub end isegi kohale sokutada sinna..:D vott see juba oleks midagi;) usun seda juttu alles siis, kui plaat mu käte vahel on:P

Find Waldo:)

Aga kes mitte midagi ei tea sellest nimest, siis ma ütlen seda, et inimene kes on sellise taassünni läbi teinud has my total respect..
how many people have you heard of, who after 5 years of constant heroine abuse,inches away from death, turn their life around 180 degrees..?!vot ei olegi palju neid..
seda väärtuslikum tema looming on..

ning vaadake üle RHCP koosseis - äkki hakkab midagi koitma siis:)

Muideks kes on lugenud "Anne Franke's Diary"...(hinthint mu ainsale fännnnnnn'ile:D)
J.F'il on laul nimega "Anne", mis põhimõtteliselt on midagi dialoogi sarnast..laulus on mitmeid sõnasõnalisi vihjeid sellele raamatule, võiks isegi öelda, et ka otseseid lauseid kombineeritud autori oma visiooniga..
kitarr alates umb 2:22 on so goood

Mõned teised tema laulud..kui vajutate play, siis ikka 'kuulake' laulu..
otherwise-don't even bother, ok?

John Frusciante - Omission
No,the backing vocals are not female..

John Frusciante - Second Walk
Hull energialaks tuleb sellest..Hommikul unise peaga välja minnes klapid kõrva ja press play - wootwoot!:D

John Frusciante - The Past Recedes
Mingil ajahetkel kuulasin ainult seda laulu 24/7..Minu teada üks vähestest nö official videotest, mis ta laulude hulka arvestades on suht vähe..samas - i actually get it why there aint no more..ning jaa-see on tema real home..

John Frusciante - Time Tonight
Nuta, naera, karju..mida iganes..

John Frusciante - The Days Have Turned
A sad song doesn't have to be A SAD SONG..

When you compare his voice from the 2001 cd with the 2004 one, there's a huuuge different..that's because it takes quite a long time to get used to new teeth..
John Frusciante - Going Inside
Gallo does weird shit..but on most times it seems to work

Green Fest on TV: SOS (John Frusciante solo)
video from

John Frusciante guitar solos with the RHCP 1998-2007

John F, Flea and Chad jam together..
3:00 it gets crazy

and a little something extra special - an old video of RHCP 'Higher Ground'
look at the young punk playing guitar then....and now:D:D

You Should Play the Guitar

You're very independent - both in spirit and in the way you learn.

You can teach yourself almost anything, even if it makes your fingers bleed.

You're not really the type to sit patiently through a music lesson - or do things by the book.

It's more your style to master the fundamentals and see where they take you.

Highly creative and a bit eclectic, you need a wide range of music to play.

You could emerge as a sensitive songwriter... or a manic rock star.

Your dominant personality characteristic: being rebellious

Your secondary personality characteristic: tenacity

Your Band Name is:

The Above Average Poodles

Ahaahhh, ma mängin kitarri oma tulevases bändis efektse nimega Üle Keskmise Puudlid..allright then...kes laulab?drummid?bass?triangel? pakkuge julgelt end:D

P.S! reklaam.simpel.iroonia.

1 comment:

Viktooooria said...

You are blessed. Mõnel inimesel pole ühtegi fänni. Kuulasin laulu, lugesin isegi lyrics'id läbi, aga ei tulnud midagi meelde. Ju siis mina jätsin mõned teised nüansid meelde :D