Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Champagne For The Brain

Okei, leidsin mõned nö most controversial fashion ads out there...Ja võib öelda, et ajaga (isegi paari aastaga) muutub palju...Inimene harjub ruttu..Iseasi kas see on hea asi..

Akademiks - controversial because Get Brain is supposedly bj in the slang of US school kids..

Dolce&Gabbana - controversial because it reminds a gang-rape scene

Jordache - a vintage ad from 1980 where topless WAS very controversial ineed..

Puma - i think no explanation is needed..

Sisley - controversial?im still trying to figure out why..maybe my mind adapts too well to controversial (?) things

Sisley - leaves no doubt what the white residue, going up the nose, is..

And of course, i have put these Tom Ford ads here as well..

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