Friday, May 9, 2008

Paper Planes

Sattusin täna ühes teatud portaalis ühele teatud profiilile ning tuleb tunnistada, et kadedaks teeb..
Kadedaks teeb sellepärast, et ma too afraid to change something..kuigi jah, kool on ka suuuuuuureks takistuseks..

Kurat, tuleb vist töökuulutusi tõsisemalt otsima hakata - tõmbaks minema siit suveks..

As a Personable type, you are a true generator of original thoughts. You probably like to think that you're equally as good at spinning old ideas as you are at projecting what might be possible in the future.

Your compassionate nature draws people to you. Because you can relate to others, you see yourself as a diplomat of sorts. You prefer to avoid disruption in the workplace if at all possible — especially if you can help others avoid discord.

You are particularly intuitive when it comes to reading some people. And because of your social smarts, people tend to like being around you. That's part of the power you bring to work. But unless you're in the right job, these strengths could be stifled.
The right jobs for you would allow you to be Personable and Creative...

Huvitav, kust ma sellise töö välja võluksin?

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