Friday, August 28, 2009

Stop this fuckery already or else fuck me gently with a chainsaw

Leave the fucking Heathers alone!!!
What seems to be the problem you ask?
Two of the brightest crayons in the box have decided to make the 80s cult classic movie Heathers into a tv-show.

Not a sequel.

A tv-show.


A fucking tv-show with some dimwit actors who don't probably even get why messing with that movie is like Blasphemy of the Jebus for the folks in churches.
Like the lovely Michael K wrote: "Variety brings us the bad news. They report that Mark Rizzo and Jenny Bicks (a writer from Sex and the City) are working together on this crap. They plan to update it and bring back all the characters from the movie. The casting alone is making me vommy. They are totally going to destroy us all by casting Ashley Jizzdale, Tater Head Willis, that Kristin Calamari chick from The Hills, the Miss Lolitas and one of the Jonas hos."

Wow, can you imagine the cheese factor IF one of those people Actually were in it?!
Piss off.
And take your stinking paws off that project if you do not want the wrath of the fans on you..
Rant over.

Oh and here is why you cannot, I repeat CANNOT FUCK WITH THIS MOVIE: because there just ain't no other crazy Hot motherfucking creepo like JD (played by a young Ch. Slater).
Just N to the O.

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