Tuesday, August 4, 2009


In about 3 hours or so, the concert should start.
Kinda excited, kinda not.
I just hope people won't be made of stone..
And damn, no cameras allowed.
I have my crappy phnoe camera, though it probably ain't effin useful at all.

Will come back later to edit this post after the concert:)


Edit 1:
Holy Fucking Batman Awesomeness!

Ok, so the concert ended about an hour ago, aka 23.15ish, ich think.Oh man, my feet are killing me..


The thing was very well organized, the actual concert part with the singing and dancing and performers etc.In other words, Madonna delivered one hell of a show that was planned to the last detail.

The whole other thing was blah.And by that i mean the F.B.I part. I don't really think its normal to wait in line for 1,5hours in order to get in.Ok yeah i get it, there were a lot of people.BUT most of them had tickets printed out at home.Not those stupid paper ones.Why am i talking about this?
Because the gates were separated by different types of tickets.Fuck, it was a mess.I felt sorry for the man, who kept talking into the microphone about how those who own paper tickets (which eventually turned into hard tickets..stressful job..does weird things to your brain) should go either through the VIP entrance or the two ones separated for paper ones.Those who own e-tickets had two entrances, which clearly was not enough.So the the paper ones were basically empty as the other were full.
Finally someone managed to get some stuff in order.Me and my sis got in about 20ish or so.

Fuckload of people were there.And i mean a fuckload of people.We bought ciders and just stood somewhere. I went and ran around on my own for a while.Which made me miss the beginning.I also got stuck in a bottleneck of people.It was awful, everyone was pushing, but shit - viinerit ikka kilesse tagasi ei lükka eks!
I tried to say that people should form two lines, but who the fuck listens to a midget?!
Assholes don't, thats who:)
So i just made a sharp left and basically started stepping over people who were sitting on the grass..Pff, you get in my way - then i sure as eff get in your way..(And nope, im not usually so mean IRL..only when im given a reason:)
But whatevs..
Oh,er..Stones were surrounding us, for sure..There deffo should have been a geriatric area as well..(Oh crap, scratch that previous statement - i am one mean bitch indeed:D)
Like seriously people?Really?REALLY?!
You come and you don't clap?You don't move?
What kind of a freakazoid took over your body during the concert?
Because heaven forbid if someone actually shows some emotion during it, right?

On with the good stuff..
The woman has some serious stamina to keep doing the same thing over and over, basically every night in different countries.Mad props and high fives to her!
I jumped,i danced, im pretty sure i sort of elbowed a person as well (not on purpose, of course)..I enjoyed myself.

Thank you so sososooooo much hunbun of a sister for the bday present!:)
I think Like A Prayer was my fav performance..Oh, Ray Of Light as well..
The whole stage and construction was huge, and thank jebus there were screens, otherwise it would have been quite shitty to get an overview of the things happening on stage.

I'll stop it here for now.Sleep on the whole thing.
Edit 2 will come tomorrow, or um, by today:)

Edit 2:
I slept on it.
And now i can say that its one more thing done and over with:)
Everyone's talking about the concert, naturally. I dunno, im kinda over it already.I just wanna see some normal pics of the whole event.But i'll probably put some crappy camera phone ones here.
It reminded me more of a club performance, with how her songs were all remixed together and it made the whole thing go by so quickly.
And yup, if there is a chance to go see an artist abroad - people just take it!
It will be better.Damn sure.

P.S! Oh, what i would do to see KOL live!!!
I will get there somehow..Oh yeah,I will..(that should become my mantra or sth)

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