Käisin õega Plazas seda nv'sel vaatamas mingisugusel eellinastusel, saal oli täis - pole tükk aega sellist asja näinud. Samas käin ka suht random aegadel kinos, seega no wonder.
Aga filmis üllatusin väga meeldivalt. Tavaliselt filmid, millel on hull hype taga, ei paku seda 'ohooo' tunnet, kuid "Social Network" pakkus küll.Hää film on tehtud, arvestades, mis materjaliks oli - sotsiaalvõrgustiku algus. As usual, human relationships lead to all sorts of genius ideas and eventual downfalls. Or not. Whopdadoodee. Some become billionaires.
So yeah,a really good movie, but don't agree with some people calling it 'this generation's movie'. Nope sirree, this one ain't it.
Kõige parem asi filmis oli muusika - see andis sellele filmile ikka väga palju juurde. Ja ma ei mõtle neid nö tavalisi 3min. laule, vaid music specifically made for the movie. Kuigiii, California Über Alles on üle prahi laul!
Filmi dialoogid/stseenid said vaid tugevust ja more emotional depth'i juurde muusikast. Good on their own, but sooooooooooooo much better with the background music enhancing everything, the nuances of specific scenes etc.
One of my favourite scenes from the movie is when "In the Hall of the Mountain King" plays in the background and the outcome of the regatta becomes the last pushing point for what's to come.
The twins and Eduardo-the-best-friend were the outstanding characters. Jesse Eisenberg can talk really fast, and he was great as Mark Zuckerberg.
And JT, give it up - you ain't getting no goddamn O nomination. Pack it in already!Blegh.
And about the whole point of the movie of creating Facebook, it shows how shallow everything truly is and exclusivity can die out really fast. The guy was dumped, gets drunk and goes all 'eff you, bitch'. And well he did. Metaphorically, I mean.
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