For about two weeks now I've been on an 80's binge, specifically consuming the movies and music of the era (or to be more precise, listening to the soundtracks of said movies).
I grew up watching 1980's movies, so they have a very special place in my heart.(God, that sounds so corny, but whatever)
But..Corny is actually one word good enough for describing it all. Cheesy fits the bill as well. Although, not everything was 'cheesy and corny'. Close to almost everything.
Have a pretty good idea where I'll ending up from the 80's music, so I will be digging up all my old cd's soon.
Anyways, here are some of the songs from various 1980's soundtracks (though there are a lot of songs from other eras on them as well, I only chose the 80's ones).
That is it for now.Maybe I'll do another one in a few days, 'cause there are a lot of songs:)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Social Network
Käisin õega Plazas seda nv'sel vaatamas mingisugusel eellinastusel, saal oli täis - pole tükk aega sellist asja näinud. Samas käin ka suht random aegadel kinos, seega no wonder.
Aga filmis üllatusin väga meeldivalt. Tavaliselt filmid, millel on hull hype taga, ei paku seda 'ohooo' tunnet, kuid "Social Network" pakkus küll.Hää film on tehtud, arvestades, mis materjaliks oli - sotsiaalvõrgustiku algus. As usual, human relationships lead to all sorts of genius ideas and eventual downfalls. Or not. Whopdadoodee. Some become billionaires.
So yeah,a really good movie, but don't agree with some people calling it 'this generation's movie'. Nope sirree, this one ain't it.
Kõige parem asi filmis oli muusika - see andis sellele filmile ikka väga palju juurde. Ja ma ei mõtle neid nö tavalisi 3min. laule, vaid music specifically made for the movie. Kuigiii, California Über Alles on üle prahi laul!
Filmi dialoogid/stseenid said vaid tugevust ja more emotional depth'i juurde muusikast. Good on their own, but sooooooooooooo much better with the background music enhancing everything, the nuances of specific scenes etc.
One of my favourite scenes from the movie is when "In the Hall of the Mountain King" plays in the background and the outcome of the regatta becomes the last pushing point for what's to come.
The twins and Eduardo-the-best-friend were the outstanding characters. Jesse Eisenberg can talk really fast, and he was great as Mark Zuckerberg.
And JT, give it up - you ain't getting no goddamn O nomination. Pack it in already!Blegh.
And about the whole point of the movie of creating Facebook, it shows how shallow everything truly is and exclusivity can die out really fast. The guy was dumped, gets drunk and goes all 'eff you, bitch'. And well he did. Metaphorically, I mean.
Aga filmis üllatusin väga meeldivalt. Tavaliselt filmid, millel on hull hype taga, ei paku seda 'ohooo' tunnet, kuid "Social Network" pakkus küll.Hää film on tehtud, arvestades, mis materjaliks oli - sotsiaalvõrgustiku algus. As usual, human relationships lead to all sorts of genius ideas and eventual downfalls. Or not. Whopdadoodee. Some become billionaires.
So yeah,a really good movie, but don't agree with some people calling it 'this generation's movie'. Nope sirree, this one ain't it.
Kõige parem asi filmis oli muusika - see andis sellele filmile ikka väga palju juurde. Ja ma ei mõtle neid nö tavalisi 3min. laule, vaid music specifically made for the movie. Kuigiii, California Über Alles on üle prahi laul!
Filmi dialoogid/stseenid said vaid tugevust ja more emotional depth'i juurde muusikast. Good on their own, but sooooooooooooo much better with the background music enhancing everything, the nuances of specific scenes etc.
One of my favourite scenes from the movie is when "In the Hall of the Mountain King" plays in the background and the outcome of the regatta becomes the last pushing point for what's to come.
The twins and Eduardo-the-best-friend were the outstanding characters. Jesse Eisenberg can talk really fast, and he was great as Mark Zuckerberg.
And JT, give it up - you ain't getting no goddamn O nomination. Pack it in already!Blegh.
And about the whole point of the movie of creating Facebook, it shows how shallow everything truly is and exclusivity can die out really fast. The guy was dumped, gets drunk and goes all 'eff you, bitch'. And well he did. Metaphorically, I mean.
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sügis on suhteliselt hea aeg filmide jaoks. Paljud nö kvaliteetfilmid ringlevad filmifestivalidel ning üritavad Oscari kõmu saavutada ja vaatajaskonnal veab - saab midagi sisutihedat isegi kinos näha. Mitte, et muul ajal ka midagi vaadata poleks, aga sügisel on veidikene suurem/parem valik kõigi hulgast teha.
Seega mõtlesin, et teeks jälle ühe pikema treileri-värgenduse siia filmidest, mida tahaks nagu käsn endasse imeda ja siis pärast (olenevalt filmi meeldivusastmest) välja pressida oma ajust.
[Ja ma üldse ei väida, et kõik need allpool olevad filmid nüüd kvaliteetfilmi alla klassifitseeruks,eipeip!:]
Filmi intro tekst on official YT'i klipi juurest tehtud copy-paste, sest frankly, ma ei oskaks neid paari lausega kokku võtta.
And here we gooo:)
127 HOURS is the new film from Danny Boyle, Academy Award winning director of last year's Best Picture, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. The film tells the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's remarkable adventure to save himself after a fallen boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated canyon. [I'm really really excited about this film.Hype - don't ditch me now, plz]
A psychological thriller set in the world of New York City ballet, BLACK SWAN stars Natalie Portman as Nina, a featured dancer who finds herself locked in a web of competitive intrigue with a new rival at the company (Mila Kunis). A Fox Searchlight Pictures release by visionary director Darren Aronofsky (THE WRESTLER), BLACK SWAN takes a thrilling and at times terrifying journey through the psyche of a young ballerina whose starring role as the duplicitous swan queen turns out to be a part for which she becomes frighteningly perfect.
Hathaway portrays Maggie, an alluring free spirit who won't let anyone - or anything - tie her down. But she meets her match in Jamie (Gyllenhaal), whose relentless and nearly infallible charm serve him well with the ladies and in the cutthroat world of pharmaceutical sales. Maggie and Jamie's evolving relationship takes them both by surprise, as they find themselves under the influence of the ultimate drug: love.
In his highly acclaimed novel Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro (The Remains of the Day) created a remarkable story of love, loss and hidden truths. In it he posed the fundamental question: What makes us human? Now director Mark Romanek (ONE HOUR PHOTO), writer Alex Garland and DNA Films bring Ishiguro's hauntingly poignant and emotional story to the screen.
Kathy (Oscar® nominee Carey Mulligan, AN EDUCATION), Tommy (Andrew Garfield, BOY A, RED RIDING) and Ruth (Oscar® nominee Keira Knightley, PRIDE & PREJUDICE, ATONEMENT) live in a world and a time that feel familiar to us, but are not quite like anything we know. They spend their childhood at Hailsham, a seemingly idyllic English boarding school. When they leave the shelter of the school and the terrible truth of their fate is revealed to them, they must also confront the deep feelings of love, jealousy and betrayal that threaten to pull them apart.
CONVICTION is the inspirational true story of a sister's unwavering devotion to her brother. When Betty Anne Waters' (two-time Academy® Award winner Hilary Swank) older brother Kenny (Sam Rockwell) is arrested for murder and sentenced to life in 1983, Betty Anne, a Massachusetts wife and mother of two, dedicates her life to overturning the murder conviction.
Writer/director Sofia Coppola reunites with the film company with which she made the Academy Award-winning hit "Lost in Translation." Her new film is an intimate story set in contemporary Los Angeles; Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) is a bad-boy actor stumbling through a life of excess at the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood. With an unexpected visit from his 11-year-old daughter (Elle Fanning), Johnny is forced to look at the questions we must all confront.
The Social Network, otherwise known as "the Facebook (Facebook) movie," is based in part on the book The Accidental Billionaires. It chronicles the formative days of Facebook, from its founding in Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard dorm room through its early rise to success. Written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher, the film stars Jesse Eisenberg as Zuckerberg.
After a little white lie about losing her virginity gets out, a clean cut high school girl (Emma Stone) sees her life paralleling Hester Prynne's in "The Scarlet Letter," which she is currently studying in school until she decides to use the rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing.
Tells the story of the man who became King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George ('Bertie') reluctantly assumes the throne. Plagued by a dreaded stutter and considered unfit to be king, Bertie engages the help of an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue. Through a set of unexpected techniques, and as a result of an unlikely friendship, Bertie is able to find his voice and boldly lead the country into war.
Two teenaged children (Alice in Wonderland's Mia Wasikowska and Journey to the Center of the Earth's Josh Hutcherson) get the notion to seek out their biological father and introduce him into the family life that their two mothers (Bening and Moore) have built for them. Once the donor (Ruffalo) is found, the household will never be the same, as family ties are defined, re-defined, and re-re-defined.
Aaaaaaaaand as sad as this makes me, part 1 of the final Potter movie.Damn! With the final movie, it's done.Done.Done.Done.
Which is weird, because i grew up with the books and partly with the films as well.And it's just weird.And I know I'm not the only one thinking this:D
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final adventure in the Harry Potter film series, is a much-anticipated motion picture event to be told in two full-length parts. Part 1 begins as Harry, Ron and Hermione set out on their perilous mission to track down and destroy the secret to Voldemort's immortality and destruction--the Horcruxes. On their own, without the guidance of their professors or the protection of Professor Dumbledore, the three friends must now rely on one another more than ever. But there are Dark Forces in their midst that threaten to tear them apart. Harry's only hope is to find the Horcruxes before Voldemort finds him. But as he searches for clues, he uncovers an old and almost forgotten tale--the legend of the Deathly Hallows. And if the legend turns out to be true, it could give Voldemort the ultimate power he seeks. Little does Harry know that his future has already been decided by his past when, on that fateful day, he became "the Boy Who Lived."
Tegelikult on neid filme veel, aga selle jaoks teen veel ühe eraldi postituse.
Edit: Socia Network on nähtud,wrote about as well.Look up.
A resurrection post.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
'A Long Time Gone'
Viimaks siis midagi uut siia kõrbesse - lisame veel liivateri, et asi päris ära ei kaoks..
Pole midagi siin teinud, kuna olen napakas ja paranoiline inimene, kes uskus, et jinx'ib oma B.A tööst kirjutades selle täiesti ära..Sest muidu oleks iga veidikese aja tagant ilmunud mingisugune new post containing the words fuck, crap, shit, headache, need sleep, fuck this fucktard, this shit is crap etc, tuleb pilt ette eks..
Kui see töökene aga valmis sai, polnud tükk aega mingit tahtmist midagi trükkida.Millalgi võib-olla panen selle õudusunenäo siia kirja ka pikemalt.Aga mitte praegu.
Heh, ainukene põhjus miks hetkel siia sattusin on suhteliselt lihtne - kange kohv ikka ei kõlba mulle hilja õhtul.Idioot.
(ahjaa, taaselustasin ühe märtsikuise draft'i isegi:)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Aaah, mis toimub?
Ma olen niii väsinud kogu aeg, ja magamine ei aita üldse.Zombie-olek on 24/7..
Üles ärgates, noh, ega nagu ei tahakski tegelikult tõusta absoluutselt.
Trükitrükitrüki aga midaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Ma olen niii väsinud kogu aeg, ja magamine ei aita üldse.Zombie-olek on 24/7..
Üles ärgates, noh, ega nagu ei tahakski tegelikult tõusta absoluutselt.
Trükitrükitrüki aga midaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Friday, April 2, 2010
Funny and not so funny
If anyone gets a chance to actually grab one of Zed Nelson's books, well..Call yourself a lucky bastard then, why won't you?:D
And you can check some other very good photos from his various projects on his website
From Zed Nelson's Gun Nation..I'll show you my non-existing Paint-skills (i am incapable of drawing a straight line.period.)..and hope no one will come after me..

From Love Me

I'll say it again, you should go check his website for some really really fantastic pictures on various topics..
On to the funnies:

What the hell kind of STUPIDITY is this..oh, i get - it must be an april fool's joke..'cause if it ain't.. W.o.W

And finally, some homework for your brain
And you can check some other very good photos from his various projects on his website
From Zed Nelson's Gun Nation..I'll show you my non-existing Paint-skills (i am incapable of drawing a straight line.period.)..and hope no one will come after me..

From Love Me

I'll say it again, you should go check his website for some really really fantastic pictures on various topics..
On to the funnies:

What the hell kind of STUPIDITY is this..oh, i get - it must be an april fool's joke..'cause if it ain't.. W.o.W

And finally, some homework for your brain

Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Avalon: Alexander McQueen
Saturday, February 6, 2010
VH1 käib taustaks, AC/DC mingi top 10 on seal..ja ma just nüüdsama..jah just nüüd alles avastasin, et vahepeal oli mingi imepisike võimalus sama bändi ka Eestis näha 30.mail.But nope, not anymore..Ja HA motherfucking viimati kontrollisin vist millalgi sügisel nende kodukat selle tuuri kohta..ja ma magasin jälle! maha need uued lisandused sinna..Ehk et Soomes on kogu see pask väljamüüdud juba..süpriis süpriis..Rootsis kah..passin Saksa asju praegu..
Jeebus küll, I need to see them live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This shit is annoying as hell...
Jeebus küll, I need to see them live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This shit is annoying as hell...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Winter In Your Heart
Snow makes everything better, have I already written that in one of my previous posts? Because it truly does.Especially when the sun glistens back from it.How can one not be happy?..
On Sunday, me and my Giraffe of a dear friend (who came for a little visit from the birthplace of Renaissance) went for a walk with a camera.Or actually I walked and freezed my ass off, while taking pictures.But it was worth it.
Why? There really is no way how to describe the feeling I got while walking through the park and at the same time my earphones provided the perfect soundtrack for what I was doing.In the wide spectrum of movies, there exists this cool little ditty called Across The Universe, which has amazing music in it.Ok, fine lets be fair - one cannot really fuck up with The Beatles music, now can they?..On second thought, yeah, it's possible..
Anyways,what I'm trying to write is that while I took pictures, I listened to the ATU soundtrack.Some of the actors sing the songs themselves, giving a different vibe and they are not bad.Not bad at all:) With A Little Help From My Friends, I Am Walrus, Let It Be, Come Together, I Want You, Helter Skelter etc. were playing and holy shit - everything was even more vivid. The colors, the texture of the nature, everything.
[On a sidenote, Joe Cocker does THE best Beatles cover with his performance of With A Little Help From My Friends at Woodstck..that thing right there is my fucking nirvana!..i cannot even count how many times i've watched that clip..oh, and he has a small part in the ATU movie as well]

Mmmm, hot cocoa after the frickin' cold weather outside was like a little cup of heaven..Soooooo good!!:)
On Sunday, me and my Giraffe of a dear friend (who came for a little visit from the birthplace of Renaissance) went for a walk with a camera.Or actually I walked and freezed my ass off, while taking pictures.But it was worth it.
Why? There really is no way how to describe the feeling I got while walking through the park and at the same time my earphones provided the perfect soundtrack for what I was doing.In the wide spectrum of movies, there exists this cool little ditty called Across The Universe, which has amazing music in it.Ok, fine lets be fair - one cannot really fuck up with The Beatles music, now can they?..On second thought, yeah, it's possible..
Anyways,what I'm trying to write is that while I took pictures, I listened to the ATU soundtrack.Some of the actors sing the songs themselves, giving a different vibe and they are not bad.Not bad at all:) With A Little Help From My Friends, I Am Walrus, Let It Be, Come Together, I Want You, Helter Skelter etc. were playing and holy shit - everything was even more vivid. The colors, the texture of the nature, everything.
[On a sidenote, Joe Cocker does THE best Beatles cover with his performance of With A Little Help From My Friends at Woodstck..that thing right there is my fucking nirvana!..i cannot even count how many times i've watched that clip..oh, and he has a small part in the ATU movie as well]
Mmmm, hot cocoa after the frickin' cold weather outside was like a little cup of heaven..Soooooo good!!:)
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