Sunday, September 13, 2009


Well, colour me surprised.I was flippin through the pages of ONTD and what do i see? An actual post about Kerli (you know, the singer from Estonia)..
Anyways, getting past my surprised reaction - the post is about some photoshoot.
She does look cool in the pics (the b&w ones up there..there where other ones as well,check the link).The reason of my post is this- I really like that long thingy she's holding, where the cig is attached..
Have no fucking clue what its called..(note to self:google later)
But.I.Want.It.. Like now!:)


cindra said...

I mean Kerli has done pretty good for an Estonian and a couple of songs are listenable but otherwise I could care less :)

Psycho Whiny Bitch said...

Ehjah, lugesid mu mõtteid