Sunday, September 27, 2009


I cannot get enough of Sons of Anarchy.I haven't seen such a good tv-show in a really really long time.
So, why is it so god-damn good?
Great characters
Absolutely fucking brilliant music
It is raw, gritty, tough and full of suspense!
I mean, what the hell is there more to want?:)
It's about an outlaw motorcycle club named The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original a.k.a SAMCRO a.k.a SOA. The members live in a small town called Charming (i know, right?) and most of them have a "day job" at the club president's auto repair shop.But their main money comes from illegal gun importing and selling them to other gangs (the Mayans, 1-9ers, Nords, True IRA etc).
The show focuses mainly on "Jax", one of the youngest members, who starts to question his own part in the club and its activities.It also shows other members of the local Sons of Anarchy charter, their families, various Charming townspeople, and the other rivals and associates who undermine or support SAMCRO's legal and illegal enterprises.
I puffy heart the character of Opie.It is so well written. Not that the others aren't (there's the whole Shakespearean thing going on with Jax and his family), but Opie's struggle to find the balance with the club (there is no 'half in-half out') and his family after time in prison was portrayed very well. And the end of S01 - sweet holy jebus fuck..I was like "No don't go hell nooo..answer the phone, you jackass..fuuuuck!".

(this is pretty spoilerish,if you actually care..some screencaps of Opie from S01..but watch the promo clips below first)

Plus there is also the adorable&dorky Half-Sack, who got his nickname after he lost a testicle during the Iraq War.He's also sometimes called Prospect aka a possible member of the club.I really hope he will have a more important storyline in S02.

Second season started this September and it sure is gonna be an interesting one.

Some music from the show (FYI,this will be pretty long)

Murder By Death - I'm Coming Home

Citizen Cope - Son's gonna rise

Told'ya it would be long:)

Oh, and here is a blog about Sons of Anarchy by Kurt Sutter, the creator of the series.

P.S! The way they remove tattoos from former members, "fire or knife"..yeah..*shudders*

P.P.S!Im just gonna pretend I didn't spend this whole time on YT..but then again, what would i have done instead?Picked up the latest issue of VF?Yeah, not today:)
At least I got some new songs for my playlist..yay

Monday, September 21, 2009


I was a zombie yesterday.Today,I feel like someone beat the shit out of me on the weekend.I need a massage.
And i think me and Jack D need a break from each other, or be monogamous 'cause otherwise - check the first sentence again.

Wanna hear a joke?
What did Tigger look for in the toilet?
I don't know, what?
He was looking for Pooh..

Hardy Har Har, peeps:)
(Winnie the Pooh for the slower ones reading this..)

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Well, colour me surprised.I was flippin through the pages of ONTD and what do i see? An actual post about Kerli (you know, the singer from Estonia)..
Anyways, getting past my surprised reaction - the post is about some photoshoot.
She does look cool in the pics (the b&w ones up there..there where other ones as well,check the link).The reason of my post is this- I really like that long thingy she's holding, where the cig is attached..
Have no fucking clue what its called..(note to self:google later)
But.I.Want.It.. Like now!:)

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years

I came home from school (was it 9th or 10th grade?hm).
It was about 3 pm,i think and my sister was watching CNN or BBC on tv and told that two planes had hit the WTC towers..At first i was like, what towers, what are you talking about?! But then I had my 'bingo' moment - those two towers in NY and i was like WHAAAAAT...And of course the next day at school everyone was talking about it..

I cannot believe i has been 8 sure does fly by..
And with every year, everything about 9/11 has become more confusing..suprise suprise..not.