Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rainrain..don't go away

So, i was walking to the park and when i got there, the floodgates up above opened.Hey, fine by me.I discovered that it is actually really cool to walk in the rain. Heavy rain.Downpour.Soaked from head to toe.Walking with two separate pools on my feet.Awesome:)

My ipod kinda died on the way back..*hope it will wake up from the rain-induced coma soooon*
And then there was thunder..I love lightning and thunder!..lovelovelove it..
So the point of this short and nonsense/pointless post is - walk in the rain people!...there is this weird silence that comes with it..i mean there is the sound of rain, but besides that..silence.

Oh, as i write this, lightning strikes..
Fucking A!

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