Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Random bits & pieces

I was in Tallinn for a few days and the time flew by...Got there, did a couple of things and the next thing i know im up hella early, and trying to sleep on the bus..Which didn't really work..
I actually understand what the old people were talking about when i was younger.."Time just goes by so fast, when you're older"..
pshh, "yeah right" was my answer to that..
And now..
Fuck, the prunes are right:)
My birthday is miles away, sort of, and im panicking already..
I think im gonna stay 22 for a while..:)It should be fun..imagine with me, if you will:
"Happy birthday!Wow, so 23 eh.."
Im 22
"Ee,yeah, well thats what i meant..you were 22 and now you're 23.."
Well, no..I decided that im gonna be 22 for about a decade or so
*blank face* "What the fuck for?"
Um, i dunno..im not good with numbers..my math skills are shit..?
So, what did i do@home?I'll try to remember..
Well, admired the new kitchen, fo shoo..
Figured out that there IS a difference when watching Halloween and A Nightmare On Elm Street at age 12 and then 10 years later..hah..Fell asleep before the second one ended..or maybe that was the alcohol..
Anyways..my lovely sister took me to the movies..some absurd comedy..with Rush music, cool..
Also, checked out the new digs of my crazy-cooler alter-ego..
And well, blablablaaa..
When i came back to Tartu, the sky was looking eerily rain-ready..so our picnic plan with the classic and nostalgic birthday food kartulisalat+viiner was down the drain, instead we replaced it with the equally classic crazy-kitchen-table-talk..And crazy it was..
Remember people:
Sleep is important!

And now I actually remember what I wanted to write in this post..about random things..After the kitchen stuffing, i dragged myself to school..And while waiting for the lecture to begin, this random old man walks in, looks around, walks towards the window and back..Then sees the piano and starts playing it!(and i have no frickin' idea why there is a piano in the room in the first place, tbh) And he wasn't bad..After a minute or so, he gets up, we clapped and he left..Like I said, random:)A very cool random thing..

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