Friday, October 3, 2008

U of S of fucking A

Nii, varsti on kõik ajalehed-ajakirjad ja uudistekanalid täis USA presidendivalimist (jaaa,isegi veelgi rohkem kui hetkel..siinkohal mõtlen kanalite all siis CNN'i jne), sest 4.november on lähedal..

So, will it be McCain/Palin

or Obama/Biden ?!

Ma tõsiselt loodan, et Obama võidab. Tegelikult usun (ja sügavalt loodan), et vähegi ajumahtu kasutav inimene suudab vahet teha kumb on adekvaatseim kandidaat..

VP debati käigus tekkinud situatsioon, kus räägiti suhetest Venemaaga (Palin vastas selle peale " I see Russia from my window"), annab aimu, et tegelikult pole siin mingit küsimustki, kumb peaks võitma..

Veel mõned pärlid (copy-paste):


She sprinkled down-home phrases throughout her answers like 'bless their hearts', 'betcha', 'darn right' and offered a 'shout-out' to schoolchildren in her brother's third grade class in Alaska.
Americans weren't just people, they were 'Joe Six-Pack' and 'Hockey Mums'.
And who needs polls, she suggested, when there are youth soccer games with parents on the sidelines showing 'fear in their voice' from the crumbling economy.

If she couldn't find the right answer she could always criticise Barack Obama or Mr Biden with a toothy grin, a wink and an Alaska accent.


Perhaps Republicans are trying to be smart by appointing Palin as VP...they saw she didnt have enough qualifiations on this round and if McCain loses, then during the next election there is a possibility of two female presidential candidates facing off..pretty sure the americans will love that pitbull with a lipstick even more then..(baaarrff)

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