Thursday, August 18, 2011

We wanna be free, to do what we wanna do

Okei, nii, ma peaks ütlema, et kuidagi väga positiivne olek on praegu..Kinda chill and relaxed and just so damn goood..Seega mõtlesin - I have to record it somewhere, because these kind of moments are quite rare for me:) Muusika..Muusikal on selles osas suur mõju mulle.

Vaatasin just vanu-vanu postitusi ja neid praegu lugedes on selline facepalm kogu aeg, et andke abi, noh!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Ali-ii-ive!

Head - check!
Body - check!
Hands - check, check!
Legs - check,check!

Yup, all is still here and working..
Just took a long break. For no specific reason. Still did the whole open draft-close draft-open draft-close draft thing, with no real outcome, as obvious by the date of my previous post.