Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"I spent 5hours on the net last night.."

As i wrote yesterday, crap will appear here daily now..
some things have been on my brain for the last 24h..

Eugene McGuinness - Fonz

Well, that wasn't very nice of you
Things aren't so glossy
Without a posse
Oh deary dear
I've no business being here
Well now as I bow out
At the funeral of my youth
It was so lonely
It was so lovely
It was so lovely

You're just so easy on the eye
You're so easy on the eye
We said farewell
And we synchronized our watches
And arranged for the meeting of our crotches

On the other side of the planet
On the other side of the world

Well, that wasn't a very nice thing to do
They never suspect the emotional wreck
Put that in your pipe
(You might want to write that down)
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
The Fonz said
There's nothing wrong with being wrong
But was he right, was he right?
I don't know, was he right?

You're so easy on the eye
You're so easy on the eye
We said farewell
And we synchronized our watches
And arranged for the meeting of our crotches
On the other side of the planet
On the other side of the world

Eugene McGuinness - Monsters Under The Bed

There are so many hours in the day
I know I've got work to do but hey
My will to move, or even use my brain
Is weathered by the eternal english rain
And when the talk show ends, I scream
Right at the screen for more pregnant teens
I can't fall asleep it's almost 3
so I water the flowers out on the street

And I spent 5 hours on the net last night
Avoiding the monsters under my bed with square eyes

How fan-fucking-tabulous it is to be so scared of the dark like this
I know I've got work to do, it's a bitch
I'm staggering round, I can't find the switch

And I spent 5 hours on the net last night
Avoiding the monsters under the bed with square eyes
Now I dare not stick my feet out the end,
in case they bite and sing a monster song


There are so many hours in the day
to address this problem in some way
Some barbie doll talks of carb intake
I turn it off, and for now, I'm ok

A rabbithole..thats what it get sucked in..and can't get out..not that i mind..nope, not one bit:)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Psychotic Girl

Kuu aega on iga päev olnud peas mõte, et kohe kirjutan midagi siia..Aga näed..Nuthin'..Ei viitsi, ei jõua, ei taha..ei ei ei..
Aga ma üritan nüüd iga päev midagi siia toppida, kasvõi mõttetut jura..'cause times are ending and since my memory ain't the most trustworthiest in the world (kui meeles on siis kirjutan miks), i'll still have some sort of a faint idea what i was doing..and when..and why..