Sunday, June 29, 2008

Twisted siis, kui hästi-hästi-hästi-hästi igav oli ja aju vajas sessist puhkust, sattusin mõnele eriti veidrale reality show'le..nagu näiteks VH1 Rock Of Love....omfg..

Imagine The Bachelor, but with
Sucking face
Sucking face
Sucking face
Sucking face

and thats basically it:D

Ühesõnaga kunagise 80ndate rokkbändi 'Poison' laulja Bret Michaels otsib endale girlfriend'i..noh mingid gruupid ja erilised skankid on kokku kogutud, kes end ikka hullult eksponeerivad (aka the aforementioned boobs etc) ning hiljem pohmakat välja magavad..:D Hey, whatever gets the ratings up..
But i mean - the dude is..well..not my cup of tea at all (kui nõmedat väljendit otsides midagi paremat meelde ei tule)..whats with the bandanas..cowboy hats..make-up..and im pretty sure some botox as well:D..mis iganes kellegile peale läheb:D

Aga peaks mainima, et ma sain naerukrambid kui üks neist tsikkidest sai oma paar mintsa selle mehikesega eraldi olla teistest (esimene, nö tutvumisosa siis)...ja selle asemel, et kohe keel kurku torgata (like everyone else did), tüdruk hoopis pühib mehe suu puhtaks!.. too much skank-bacteria by others, i guess...:P
Ja neid naeruhetki oli veel...pluss muidugi 100x dramadramadrama, cat fights and all that other shit..

Soooo, Season 3?!:)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Only 17 more days!:)
and thank god (not literally, of course) it is outdoors..just have to hopehopehope for a sunny day (no effin rain!)...
and although the concert is during õllesummer (baarff), i'll take what i'm given very thankfully..and cheap..
for, you see - mass culture has its positives and negatives:D

..there is this whole story how i came to listen to the band..i'll keep it myself:D

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mesh & Lace

"After last month's release of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" -- complete with cute CGI prairie dogs and cute CGI monkeys and cute possible-CGI Shia LaBeouf -- interest in the Darabont draft intensified." (had me laughing for a while..the Shia part, that is:D)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Lets Get Loud.."

Lenny Who?
Kravitz Whaaat?

Wednesday, May 11, Def Leppard performed at Saku Arena..and man, it was one hell of a show...:D
Warm-up: didnt bother, showed up just as they were playing their few last songs..did not miss a thing...
Then at 9'o clock - the show started with a bang! And it was like that until the very end..Though their tour is publicised as the promotion of the new album, i think they only played one song of it:D So it was hits all the way, baby!;P
The energy was suuuuuuuuuuper and atmosphere very friendly...
The guitars...OMFG...the guitars....
The drums....(didnt see the drummer behind the drums, lol)
They're like 50ish..but form is fabulous..:D

As always, estonians take quite some time to warm up...but when they do..hõhõhõhõõ..:D
Ühesõnaga, selline energialaks tuli kontserdist, et raske on seda maandada..:D
Tahaks veeeeel....veel...veel...veel..

P.S!Saku arena still has sucky sound and stupid beer people..was ambushed by the latter on both sides:D but i just kept on rock'n'rollin;)! and every once in a while moving an inch here-an inch there,so i wouldn't get beer on me:P

P.P.S!thanks sis!owe you big time!and any time again!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

"You gotta a lot of nerve asking me a question like that"

Kolmapäeval, 4.juunil, sai Bob Dylani kontserdil käidud..Ning kuigi mehike on 67,he still gets it right..

Dylan&Co did an excellent job,playing old&well-known songs with new arrangements..
From the first note until the end there was constant energy, beauuuuuuutiful guitarsounds, amazing drums - a perfect composition!:D
Dylan was sideways towards the audience as always, playing the keyboard and singing/talking his songs..the 'talking' songs are kinda hard to understand for someone who's not familiar with his work
They played 15 songs plus 2 during the encore..
Got 'All Along The Watchtower', but no 'Leopard-Skin Pill-box Hat' or 'Like A Rolling Stone'..guess LARS is one of the many songs on rotation during the tour..

Intro(same as every concert)and the '..Hat' from Helsinki concert couple of days earlier..bear in mind,its a bootleg,not video..

And now the negative aspects (but they don't weigh down the positive ones):
1. If i go to a concert, im in my own bubble of wonderful music. I don't run back&forth, getting more beer etc.
2. Okei, a seated concert, but do you have to sit like a freaking statue the entire 2 hours?!
3. No more of that sucky Saku Arena and its sucky sound!
4. The people, who sat in the first row must be pretty pissed off, because security werent doing their job - as soon as the first chords were played, people run to the front and therefore blocked the view for the first row.. TISK TISK towards SA.
5. need..much, much..

But i have one question:
Where was the naked golden man?!?
didn't see him on top of the speaker..
has he been out for a long time already,or what?not part of this tour?


"Blowin in the Wind" was an especially appropriate final song. When
Dylan asks "how many years must a people exist before they're allowed to
be free" before a crowd of Estonians who have persevered through brutal
Nazi German and Soviet occupations and somehow come out the other end with
their culture intact– it resonates. When he sang those lines, I couldn't
help but conjure the image of a picture I'd seen that illustrates how one
Estonian family defied their persecutors and laid a white rug on the
floor, a black cloth on the table and blue curtains around the window – so
that the Estonian flag could be present in their home during the
oppressive years. As he sang I remembered a story told to me by my
friend's Grandfather, an Estonian captive of the Soviet Army, who stopped
to gather earth from his home country in an empty matchbook before being
marched across the border into Russia and a Siberian prison camp. How many
years, indeed.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Yves Saint Lauren
Rest In Peace

Sound of Music

ohsaaaa *****
juba käes

jeerum, aeg läheb ikka niiii ruttu..

parem oleks kui pill-box hat & watchtower ära tulevad:D